Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Shark Tank Investors vs. your Mom.


Shark Tank investors vs. your Mom.

David wanted to know if the investors on TV’s Shark Tank get ‘diluted’ and Apostle wanted to know how to sell shares in his own business.

I answer question #1 and dig into the complexities of question #2 in this week’s video.

Spoiler… Yes, you can likely sell some shares to your mom without worrying too much.

Watch and learn more here:

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Learn how to buy an already-successful and profitable business even in the covid-recession of 2020   

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Monday, February 22, 2021

LIVE- Sell your Small Business to a Private Equity Firm!


Who pays the most for buying businesses?

Private Equity Firms. This week I speak to Mike Finger from about selling your small business to a private equity firm. Or... maybe do an ESOP exit or sell to a Family Office. Mike is a regular guest and always generates insightful discussions. Find him at Join us live.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Does discounting future cash flow really make sense?


The gulf between big and small.

Allison wrote to ask about looking at future profits when analyzing a business to buy.

‘Theory,’ she says, ‘talks about reflecting the future.’

What on earth is she talking about?

Does it apply to the world of small businesses?

Watch and learn more here:

Learn how to buy an already-successful and profitable business even in the covid-recession of 2020   

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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

What you really need to know about small business tax returns.


What you really need to know about small business tax returns.

Nick is looking to buy a business and wants to know if there is a checkbox on the tax return indicating if it’s good and profitable.

Well, it’s not so easy.

Firstly, the tax folks design the forms for their purposes.

Secondly, the information put into the form may not actually be relevant or correct.

This week I dive into small business financial reporting to uncover what can and cannot be trusted!

Watch and learn more here:

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Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Monday, February 8, 2021

LIVE- Can Minimalism Help you Succeed in Business?


...or does success come more easily if you're a minimalist?

I'm joined by economist Aaron Clarey to discuss how making certain lifestyle choices can enhance the freedom in your life and shorten the distance between you and your goals. Most importantly, Aaron will share results of reviewing research which reveals why we all feel so compelled to want more stuff and how this knowledge can be used to evolve. Check out Aaron's Minimalism program: Learn more about Aaron, economics and making better decisions at: Aaron's book- Poor Richard's Retirement: Aaron's book- Bachelor Pad Economics: Aaron's book- Worthless:

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Learning Delegation with Barbara Turley.


Learning Delegation with Barbara Turley.

Barbara spent an hour with me in the Business Buyer Adventure group discussing how to better hire and manage Virtual Assistants overseas.

Today, she’s joining all of us in discussing how to better delegate roles and tasks to employees.

What do employees want?

How do we allow new employees to feel like they’re fitting in?

How can we help make sure new employees are able to properly integrate into our businesses so that they can achieve their best outcomes?

Watch and learn more here:

Find Barbara online at

Maybe you should be in the coaching program too? Learn more at

Learn how to buy an already-successful and profitable business even in the covid-recession of 2020   

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