Monday, October 21, 2024

LIVE Mandi Ellefson- Build an Operations Manager


Build an Operations Manager

New Livestream guest-> Mani Ellefson, the Hands-off CEO Leader, podcast host and author.

I’m happy to have Mandi join me on a live broadcast.

She’s built a business out of helping entrepreneurs get out of the day to day of operations and truly be free to work ‘on’ their businesses.

She hosts a podcast on the topic and is the author of The Hands-Off CEO which is a great book.

Tune in and as we’ll be discussing how to develop or hire an operations manager in your business.

This is a ‘must see event’ for anyone who doesn’t want to be doing this job themselves 50 hours a day forever while they’re in business.

Be sure to join live so that you can ask questions, replay will be available.

Set yourself a reminder on YouTube here: 

We’ll be going live Monday October 21, 2024 at 12 Noon Eastern Time and 1 PM Atlantic Time.

See you there!

David C Barnett

Saturday, October 19, 2024

David Barnett's Journey into Real Estate Investment

 My experience as a real estate investor offers valuable lessons for anyone looking to get into property investing. My story began in 2004, influenced by books like Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrants, which sparked my interest in leveraging assets. At that time, I was making over $100,000 a year working for Yellow Pages, and I decided to use his success to invest in real estate, preparing to eventually leave his job.

By 2004, I paid off the mortgage on my home and leveraged a home equity line of credit to buy two triplexes. Over the years, I expanded his portfolio, purchasing more properties, learning the ins and outs of being a landlord, and dealing with tenant management, maintenance, and unexpected costs. One of my earliest mistakes, which I call “buyer fever,” involved underestimating the true operating expenses of one building because he hadn’t considered the higher electricity rates for common areas and hot water, which drastically reduced the cash flow.

As a landlord, I initially made the mistake of subsidizing my real estate business with my own labor, performing maintenance and property management tasks myself, which consumed valuable time. Eventually, after the birth of my children, I outsourced this work to property managers. This gave me a clearer understanding of the true profitability of my properties, revealing that the actual cash flow was not as lucrative as it seemed once all expenses were properly accounted for.

By 2009, I began selling my buildings, driven by rising property values and lower interest rates. However, I learned a harsh lesson about liquidity risk when selling one property and I believed I had $50,000 in equity, only to walk away with around $31,000 after accounting for realtor fees, legal costs, and mortgage penalties.

I eventually exited real estate completely by 2011, realizing that the modest cash flow wasn’t worth the financial and personal risk involved. The highly leveraged investments, combined with low cash returns, made real estate less appealing. This experience pushed me toward smaller business investments and loans, which I found to be more profitable and manageable, with fewer hassles and better returns.

Looking forward, I believe that real estate could become attractive again when interest rates rise, property values drop, and better equity positions can be established. My advice is that in any future real estate ventures, I would aim for a much stronger equity position—putting down 50% or more—and ensuring proper management systems are in place from the start.

My journey highlights key points:

  • Understand all expenses thoroughly before investing, including utility costs and property management fees.

  • Avoid subsidizing cash flow with personal labor—outsource and get a clear picture of the true profitability of a property.

  • Be mindful of liquidity risk when selling properties, as equity can quickly diminish through various fees.

  • Leverage is powerful, but it’s important to calculate risk versus reward, especially when returns are minimal.

This six-year experience taught me that while real estate can be profitable, it’s critical to enter with a strong equity position and a clear understanding of cash flow, liquidity, and time investment.

Make sure to subscribe to our email list so you never miss a new video, and explore our other resources like courses and books to help you grow and transition your business seamlessly.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Questions for an investor


***New Video Alert!

What if a rich person just offered to buy you a business?

What would you ask about to make sure the deal was likely to complete?

I’ll walk you through it in this week’s video: 


See you over on YouTube

David C Barnett

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Should You Use Your Retirement Funds to Buy a Business?

 This is a common question I receive, especially from people in the U.S. where there are options to use 401(k) savings for financing a business acquisition. While it may seem like a great way to avoid borrowing from a bank or paying high-interest rates, the risks are significant, and it’s essential to understand the implications.

Using Retirement Funds in the U.S.

In the U.S., there's a legal structure known as Rollovers as Business Startups (ROBS), where you can use your 401(k) savings to invest in a new business. Here's how it works:

  1. You set up a new entity to buy the business.

  2. Your new entity starts its own 401(k) plan.

  3. You transfer your existing 401(k) funds into the new company's plan.

  4. As the new company’s controller, you can direct the 401(k) to invest in the business.

While it sounds simple, it's legally complex, and there are companies that specialize in managing this process to ensure you comply with tax laws. However, failure to meet all legal and tax obligations could result in penalties, such as having the transferred retirement funds treated as taxable income.

The Risk to Your Retirement

When clients ask if they should use their 401(k) to buy a business, I ask them a critical question: If the business fails, do you still plan to retire? This money is meant for your retirement, and the failure rate of small businesses is high. Using these funds could jeopardize your financial future, not just your present situation.

The Accountability Problem

Many people are drawn to this idea because they think that by avoiding interest payments to a bank, they’ll save money. However, you should hold yourself to the same standards a bank would when lending money.

If you use retirement funds, you must ensure that the business is producing a rate of return similar to what the bank would expect for such a loan. This means you should be disciplined enough to repay your retirement account with interest, as you would with any other loan. The issue is, most people aren't as strict with themselves as a bank would be.

A Possible Exception: Secured Lending

One scenario where I can see using retirement funds making more sense is if you lend the money from your retirement account as if you were the bank. For example:

  • Let’s say you’re buying a small business and need a loan for a vehicle. Instead of borrowing from the bank at an 8% interest rate, your retirement account could lend the money to the small business, secured by that vehicle.

  • If the small  business fails, your retirement account, holding a secured lien, can repossess the vehicle and recoup its investment. This way, you treat your retirement fund the same way a bank would, ensuring it’s protected.

  • I have no idea how to set this up, you’d have to get tax and legal advice.

Consider Your BATNA

Your decision ultimately depends on your Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA). If you have other opportunities—like employment or alternative investments—you should weigh those before risking your retirement savings. In cases where you have no other options, using retirement funds might feel necessary, but I caution against it unless you're sure you can protect that investment as a bank would.

Final Thought: Retirement Money Should Be for Retirement

At the end of the day, your retirement funds are meant to ensure a comfortable future. Using them for a small  business acquisition puts that future at risk. Unless you're confident in securing those funds properly, it’s often wiser to leave them untouched and explore other financing options for the small  business.

If you’re interested in exploring small business buying, selling, sign up to my email list to keep you updated whenever we post new videos and content. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Lukas wants to brainstorm about a new business Video


This is a PAID consulting call for a real viewer who needs help on a deal.
It's all incelebration of my new book 'Buying vs. Starting a Small Business: Search or Startup? A Guide to keep you from Going Broke'

Find it now at here:  

The Canadian Amazon store here:

The UK Amazon store here:

The Australian Amazon store here:

Or any other local Amazon store you frequent. 

You can even buy a pdf copy from Gumroad here: 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

A great interview with Grow A Small Business podcast with host Rob Cameron

In this episode of Quick Fire Friday host Rob Cameron interviews David C Barnettfrom Business and Asset ValuesDavid shares key insights on buying, selling, and valuing businesses, drawing from his extensive experience. He discusses how his firm helps entrepreneurs navigate the complexities of mergers and acquisitions with a unique approach that simplifies the process. Discover how David’s tailored strategies can help you maximize business growth and make smarter decisions in challenging markets.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

6 Shocking external areas of due diligence that SMB owners miss


***New Video Alert!

Where are you spending your time watching for hazards to your business?

Maybe pencil some time in your calendar for these areas people sometimes miss.

Especially important for those not active day to day in their businesses!!!

I’ll walk you through it in this week’s video:


See you over on YouTube

David C Barnett

Saturday, October 5, 2024

How to Buy a Business in a Potential Recession

 Today, I’m addressing a great question from Jesse, who’s concerned about buying a business right before a possible recession. Here’s how you can approach this situation with caution: 

1. Assess Industry Impact

  • Recession Sensitivity: Different industries react differently to economic downturns. For example, luxury goods and travel-related businesses often suffer more during recessions than essential services like healthcare or basic consumer goods. Evaluate the industry of the business you're considering. Are its customers likely to cut back on spending during a recession?

  • Local Economy: Consider the economic health of the area where the business operates. If major employers in the area are vulnerable to a recession, the local economy might decline, affecting local businesses.

2. Evaluate Expense Structure

  • Variable vs. Fixed Costs: Businesses with high fixed costs (e.g., rent, salaries) are more vulnerable to revenue declines. Look for businesses with more variable expenses that can scale down with reduced revenues. This flexibility can help the business weather economic downturns better.

  • Cost Management: Review how the business manages its costs. Can it adjust its expense structure if revenues drop?

3. Review Reporting Systems

  • Financial Monitoring: Ensure the business has strong reporting systems to track financial performance in real time. Good reporting helps identify problems early, so you can act before issues become severe.

  • Data Accuracy: Verify that the financial data you’re reviewing is accurate and up-to-date. Strong reporting systems should reflect real-time performance and trends.

4. Negotiate Terms of Sale

  • Financing Structure: If possible, negotiate favorable terms with the seller, especially regarding financing. Seller financing can be flexible and might include terms that help you manage downturns, such as interest-only payments during slower periods.

  • Flexibility in Terms: Discuss terms that allow for adjustments based on business performance. For instance, you might negotiate terms that adjust based on future sales or performance metrics.

5. Understand the Seller’s Motivation

  • Motivation Check: Find out why the seller is selling. If they’re motivated by personal issues rather than economic conditions, they might be more open to negotiation and seller financing.

  • Seller Insight: A seller who’s transparent about their reasons for selling and willing to assist with the transition can be a good sign. Conversely, if they’re insistent on a high price with no flexibility, they might be trying to offload a problematic business.

6. Build a Relationship with the Seller

  • Trust and Communication: Developing a good rapport with the seller can provide valuable insights into the business’s true condition and the seller’s motivations. A cooperative seller can also offer support and advice post-sale.

  • Negotiation Stance: Approach negotiations with a mindset of collaboration rather than confrontation. This can lead to better terms and a smoother transition.

Final Thoughts

A potential recession doesn’t necessarily mean you should avoid buying a business, but it does require more careful consideration and due diligence. By evaluating the industry’s sensitivity to economic changes, understanding the business’s expense structure, and negotiating favorable terms, you can better position yourself to make a sound investment.

There is an entire module in Business Buyer Advantage: Online Training all about structuring purchase deals in a recessionary environment. Learn more at

If you haven’t already, sign up for my email list at 

Friday, October 4, 2024

Jerry buys a medical equipment biz in asia Video


This is a PAID consulting call for a real viewer who needs help on a deal. It's all incelebration of my new book 'Buying vs. Starting a Small Business: Search or Startup? A Guide to keep you from Going Broke' Find it now at here: The Canadian Amazon store here: The UK Amazon store here: The Australian Amazon store here: Or any other local Amazon store you frequent. You can even buy a pdf copy from Gumroad here:

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

11 due diligence areas SMB owners miss


***New Video Alert!

What happens once you own a business.

Just clear sailing and profits, right?

NOPE- You’ve got to have a continuous attitude about due-diligence in these 11 areas to keep from having to deal with out of control situations growing without your notice.

I’ll walk you through it in this week’s video: 


See you over on YouTube

David C Barnett

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Unlocking Opportunities in Underutilized Businesses

Today, I want to share an intriguing scenario that highlights how underutilized businesses can present fantastic opportunities for savvy buyers. 

The Scenario

I was chatting with a friend who recently visited a small seaside tourist town and delivered a marketing course to local business owners. One of the participants owned a retail shop that operates only five months of the year, catering to the summer tourist crowd. Despite the seasonal nature of her business, she gets phone calls around Christmas from people wanting to order her products.

When asked what she does with her inventory at the end of the season, she mentioned that she discounts it to clear out as much as possible. My friend then suggested she consider taking her business online and collecting email addresses from her summer customers to build an online presence. To her surprise, she had never thought of this.

The Opportunity

This situation represents a classic example of an underutilized business with great potential:

  1. Established Base: The business already has a base of sales and some level of profitability. It’s not starting from scratch.

  2. Brand Recognition: The shop has brand recognition and customer interest, evidenced by people calling even after the season ends.

  3. Growth Potential: The business could benefit from modernizing its approach by moving online and leveraging digital marketing.

For someone who understands the internet and e-commerce, this represents a significant opportunity. Instead of starting a business from the ground up, you can buy an existing one and implement digital strategies to enhance its profitability and value.

Why This Matters

In my business buying courses, I often emphasize the principle of not paying for "blue sky"—that is, not overvaluing a business based on speculative future benefits. However, the real value in buying a business comes from what you can do with it. Here’s why this approach is advantageous:

  1. Pre-existing Assets: The business comes with established sales and some degree of brand awareness. You’re not starting from scratch; you’re building on an existing foundation.

  2. Realizing Potential: You can acquire the business at a reasonable price and then apply your expertise to evolve it into something much more valuable.

  3. Strategic Improvement: By integrating online sales and digital marketing, you can significantly increase the business's revenue and market reach.

Looking for Opportunities

If you’re considering buying a business, look for these types of opportunities:

  • Underperforming Businesses: Businesses with potential but lacking modern strategies.

  • Seasonal Operations: Seasonal businesses that could benefit from year-round revenue through online channels.

  • Owner Fatigue: Businesses where the owner is ready to retire or lacks the interest to innovate.

These scenarios often provide a head start and allow you to leverage your skills to enhance the business’s value.

Final Thoughts

If you’re interested in exploring small business buying, selling, sign up to my email list to keep you updated whenever we post new videos and content. 

Friday, September 27, 2024

Patrick small online ecommerce Video


This is a PAID consulting call for a real viewer who needs help on a deal. It's all incelebration of my new book 'Buying vs. Starting a Small Business: Search or Startup? A Guide to keep you from Going Broke' Find it now at here: The Canadian Amazon store here: The UK Amazon store here: The Australian Amazon store here: Or any other local Amazon store you frequent. You can even buy a pdf copy from Gumroad here:

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Non SBA Deal Financing


***New Video Alert!

This week- a question from a Canadian who wants to know how to do deals where he lives.

But- even Americans should learn how non-SBA deals are done because they can be cheaper!

I’ll walk you through it in this week’s video: 


See you over on YouTube

David C Barnett