A gathering of all the free resources that I've put out over time....

Crisis Cash Flow Management Tool

Download the Crisis Cash Flow Management Tool here:

FREE download: 12 Things to do Before you Consider Selling Your Business

Download a FREE copy  Also Available from Amazon for Kindle.

I've spent years working as a business broker and consultant to buyers and sellers. 
It always frustrates me when sellers showed up with problems in their businesses that could easily have been solved if they had sought some advice in the years leading up to the sale.
This guide is a simple overview of the things you can do and the things you need to learn about before you begin the process of selling your business.

Download 15 Free Business Finance Articles

These are 15 business finance articles that were published in eNBusiness magazine.    Great FREE reading for anyone interested in small business finance.

Download How to Find Local Investing Deals Audio Book

This audio book is a companion to my 2014 book Invest Local.  The recording discusses how to get out and find your first deal so you can implement the strategies outlined in Invest Local.
I highly recommend you read the book and get proper advice before doing any deals.