Sunday, November 27, 2016

Pay off your Small Business Debt to build wealth? Think Again... How to Sell a Business

A few weeks go I made a video and blog post about whether it made sense to pay off all your small business debts in order to prepare a business for sale.  Watch the video here:

I promised to make another video discussing how paying off small business debt would affect the personal wealth of the owner.

You see, most small business owners are debt-averse.   They believe that debt is bad and that it makes sense to pay off debt to increase one’s net-worth.

The reality though is that debt gives you leverage and small businesses are risky.

Watch this week’s video to see how paying off small business debt actually reduces your rate of return and increases your risk!

If you think you would benefit from my help and guidance over the coming year to meet your business goals, you may wish to consider my 2017 mastermind.  It’s for small business owners who want to improve their business or people who want to find and buy one.

If you’re thinking of selling your small business and want a whole bunch of FREE information and advice, visit there are free videos, reports and access to my modestly priced books and online course on the process of selling a business.

For help on buying a business, visit

Please remember to like and share this article, it’s the only way the people who run the internet have of knowing if the content is any good or not. The more you share, the more likely someone who needs this information will be able to find it.

If you would like to hear from me weekly before anyone else, you can sign yourself up at 

My live events always fill up fast.  Find all my live events here:

My November 30, 2016 Halifax workshop is being sponsored by CEED. You can register at

Thanks and I’ll see you next time. 

1 comment:

  1. This is very educational content and written well for a change. It's nice to see that some people still understand how to write a quality post.!
