Sunday, August 13, 2017

My Amazing Cape Breton Vacation and your small business -How to Manage a Small Business

I took the kids on a 5-day trip to Cape Breton Island.

We saw the Fortress of Louisbourg, the tall ships in Sydney Harbour, the Alexander Graham Bell historic site, the Cabot Trail and the site of Marconi’s first operational trans-Atlantic radio base.  It was a blast.

In this week’s video, I talk about the trip but also about why vacation time is so important.  You need to break your routine to come up with the ideas that ultimately create value.

Your business is an asset that should be delivering this lifestyle.

Don’t believe me? I’ll show you some cool stuff from an article published in Psychology Today all about why we need to get away.

Watch as I talk about the amazing trip I had and why vacation time is so important if you run or will be running your own business:

Join the small army of smart business people who’ve learned how to buy a business successfully with my Business Buyer Advantage Program.  You can access the course at and learn more about how it works from this video I made in the spring:

Learn how to better manage your small business with my easy method of organizing yourself.  Learn more at

FREE- Download a copy of my e-book; 12 Things to do Before You Consider Selling Your Business. (No, I will not put you on an e-mail marketing list)

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This summer & fall I’ll be in Halifax (, Moncton, NYC, Orlando & Toronto.  Find out more and sign up at (maybe Boston too, stay tuned.)

Thank you and I’ll see you next time.

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