Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Get into Biz 101 Ep3 Build your team


***New Video Alert!

Part 3 of the ‘Get into Business 101’ summer series.

Today, we’re talking team members.

This is something you do before you get into business.

I’ll explain the experts and the not-so-experts that you need to find in your community and online.

Check out this week’s video: 


See you over on YouTube

David C Barnett

Monday, July 22, 2024

X-Ray the personality of someone before you hire them!

X-Ray the personality of someone before you hire them!

New Livestream guest-> Fletcher Wimbush

I’m happy to have Fletcher join me on a live broadcast.

He’s got over a decade of experience in hiring and talent acquisition and evaluation.

Tune in and as we’ll be discussing DISC assessments in the hiring process and how to properly use them.

This is a ‘must see event’ for anyone who will need to grow their team in the future.

Be sure to join live so that you can ask questions, replay will be available.

Set yourself a reminder on YouTube here: 

We’ll be going live  Monday July 22, 2024 at 1 PM Atlantic Time, 12 Noon Eastern Time

See you there!

David C Barnett

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Competing for the best businesses against Private Equity Funds

Today, I’m sharing a story about a viewer in Chicago who’s struggling to buy a business with around $500,000 in EBITDA. This tale might just resonate with many of you looking to make a similar move. 

The Struggle of Competing Against Bigger Fish

Our Chicago friend, a retired C-level executive with a substantial budget, is looking for a solid business to purchase and grow. However, he’s finding himself constantly outbid by competitors with deeper pockets. Why? It’s all about the magic of the $500K EBITDA mark.

The Magic Threshold

At $500K EBITDA, a business becomes highly attractive to both Private Investment Groups (PIGs) and Private Equity Groups (PEGs). These entities have the resources to transform such businesses into larger, more valuable enterprises. Here’s how they do it:

  1. Target Industry Segmentation: They focus on industries with many independent operators.

  2. Strategic Acquisition: They buy a successful business and pour resources into rebranding and marketing.

  3. Expansion: They acquire similar businesses within the same media market, creating a chain.

  4. Scaling: They grow the business from $500K EBITDA to several million dollars.

  5. Exit Strategy: They sell the aggregated businesses at a much higher multiple or take it public.

Why Strategic Buyers Have the Edge

Strategic buyers are willing to pay more because they’re not just buying current cash flow—they’re buying future growth potential. They can afford to offer higher prices because:

  • They can spread marketing and operational costs across multiple businesses.

  • They’re aiming to sell at higher multiples typical in the stock market (8-15 times earnings) compared to the small business market (3-4 times earnings).

What This Means for Individual Buyers

For individual buyers like our Chicago friend, competing against these strategic buyers is tough. Here’s my advice:

  1. Look for Smaller Targets: Focus on businesses just below the $500K EBITDA mark. These are less likely to attract PIGs and PEGs.

  2. Build to Sell: Find a solid business, grow it, and then sell it to a PIG or PEG once it hits that magic EBITDA threshold.


Navigating the business buying landscape can be challenging, especially when competing with well-funded investment groups. However, by adjusting your strategy and targeting slightly smaller businesses, you can find valuable opportunities and potentially sell at a profit in the future.  


David C. Barnett

Friday, July 19, 2024

2023 HC#006 Jim raises investor money to buy an online Biz Video


HC#006 Jim is a smart computer guy. He and his buddies have the skills to take a SaaS business to the next level. Just one thing- they won’t sign personal guarantees on loans. So, what is the plan or a workable strategy to try and raise millions of dollars to buy a business without going to a banker? In this talk, we discuss crafting securities, thinking about the investors as a market and the relationship between the buyer, investor and the seller in a crafty non-bank deal. If you're interested in working with Jim and his team, contact him at

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Great Conversation with the host of He Said, She Said: Razor Branding Jaci Russo

The Financial Side of Branding with David C. BarnettHe Said, She Said: Razor Branding™ Podcast

    Join me to this interview with the host of He Said, She Said: Razon Branding Podcast together with Jacci Russo and Michael Russo.

    Tune in to learn why business is tough, why it’s important to be realistic about business opportunities, and how to navigate the ever-changing landscape of buying and running a business. Don't miss my practical advice and candid insights that could help you make better business decisions.

    Wednesday, July 17, 2024

    Get into Biz 101 Ep2. Assess your resources

    ***New Video Alert!

    Part 2 of the ‘Get into Business 101’ summer series.

    Today, we’re talking resources.

    Understanding what you’re working with will inform your options.



    Personal Assets

    Skills and Experience.

    Check out this week’s video:


    See you over on YouTube

    David C Barnett


    Monday, July 15, 2024

    LIVE Neal Isaacs - Seller Journeys with Business Brokers


    Business Seller’s Journeys with Business Brokers

    New Livestream guest-> Neal Isaacs

    I’m happy to have Neal join me on a live broadcast.

    Neal has sold dozens of businesses in his role as a business broker with VR Business Brokers in Raleigh, NC.

    Tune in and as we’ll be discussing what ideally a broker should be telling/showing/helping sellers with and we’ll hear some of his stories from the trenches.

    In particular, I’m going to ask Neal about how, as a broker, he views his inventory of businesses for sale.

    This is a ‘must see event’ for any small business owner who might want to sell one day.

    ESPECIALLY if you want to learn how to spot the tells of a qualified broker vs. a poseur.

    Be sure to join live so that you can ask questions, replay will be available.

    Set yourself a reminder on YouTube here: 

    We’ll be going live NOW! July 15, 2024 at 1PM Atlantic Time and 12 Noon Eastern Time

    See you there!

    David C Barnett