Sunday, October 30, 2016

Expanding a Small Business via Acquisition? Watch out for this HR cash flow landmine

Expanding through acquisition?  Watch out! Make this mistake and you could be in for an unexpected cash-flow cut! - How to Buy a Business.

How can buying a business make its’ value go down?

I had a chat with Sarah Mullins from UpTree HR in Halifax.

Sarah and I discussed some of the issues relating to HR when you buy a business or merge two companies in a strategic acquisition.

She’s been through dozens of them.

She even explains how buying another company can reduce its’ profitability.  If you haven’t done the right due-diligence, you could end up with less cash flow that you had forecast.

Watch the interview here:

For a full education and help on buying a business, visit

Learn how I help people sell their business at

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