Sunday, January 22, 2017

Partnership and Shareholder Agreements

People know that relationships can come to an end.

You need to protect yourself.

Getting the right paperwork in place when you start a business partnership doesn’t have to be hard and it can help avoid some pretty awful headaches down the road.

I’ve been getting a lot of work lately helping people navigate their way out of a partnership.  I made this video to explain one of the most critical tools you want to have available if you get into business with someone else.  Watch it here:

Learn how to buy a business at where you can access tons of information and enroll in my online course.

In fact, I often roll my eyes like a snooty teenage girl at people who claim to want to buy a business who seem unwilling to invest a few hours into learning how to do it correctly.  I mean, come on; like seriously?  (The course works out to about $20/hr. and comes with a 30 day money-back guarantee!)  You can see how my whole buyer system works in this video from three weeks ago:

Please remember to like and share this article, it’s the only way the people who run the internet have of knowing if the content is any good or not. The more you share, the more likely someone who needs this information will be able to find it.

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I’m coming to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island in January 2017 and Saint John, NB on March 1st.  Seats are already filling up.  Find all my live events here:
Thanks and I’ll see you next time.

1 comment:

  1. Check out this new story about a partnership nightmare:
