Sunday, June 4, 2017

Valuing Online Businesses - How to buy a business - How to sell a business

What’s with all the internet entrepreneurs suddenly coming out of hiding and looking for my advice?

In the last few weeks I’ve heard from several online business people who need help in determining a value for their business.

What is it worth and why is it different from a real-world business? 

There is so much crazy buzz out there about how to put a price on these .com companies that I felt I had to address it in an audio recording.

You can see/listen on YouTube right here:

Learn how to buy a business successfully with my Business Buyer Advantage Program.  You can access the course at and learn more about how it works from this video I made a few weeks ago:

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Thank you and I’ll see you next time.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post mate, keep up the great work, just shared this with my friendz Kevin David
