Hi there everyone, it’s me, Dave Barnett from www.DavidCBarnett.com. Watch the video here:
I received another viewer question from Bruce. He asks, ‘What are the common pitfalls that
buyers get caught in when trying to buy a business?’
It’s a great question and one that I’ve received in various forms from
dozens of readers and viewers.
I actually sat down and tried to come up with a list of the most common
problems to try to address in a video or series of videos. When I was done though, I had over 20 items. I knew that I couldn’t cover them all in one
I’ll tell you a few of them here but it gave me the inspiration for a
special report that is about 30 pages long that you can download here: https://gum.co/21stupidthings
Also, it’s not free, but the price is very low. That’s because the information is actually
very valuable and I only want to share it with people who are serious about
taking the right precautions when embarking on a project as complex as buying
an existing business.
Here’s a quick list of some of the stupid things that buyers do
which I cover in the report.
Failing to understand how businesses are valued
Failing to account for the value of their labour
Failing to adjust for operating capital
Over-committing cash flow
Underestimating the value of their own capital
Failing to get the proper help
Failing to get help
Asking the wrong people for help
Failing to make a reasonable projections
Failing to consider capital expenditures
Failing to do proper due diligence (there are 3 pages
on this.)
Failing to create mechanisms to hold the sellers
accountable to what they say
Failing to properly do research
Failing to understand the risks of the franchisor
Failing to understand the importance and power of a landlord
Failing to budget properly
Failing to have a reserve for cash
There are a few bonus ones in the report as well,
making the list longer than 21
This gives you a snapshot of the everyday problems I see when helping
buyers work on their deals.
Unfortunately, I get called in to help people sometimes after the deal is done and have to show
them where they went wrong and how they may be able to get things back on
track. Usually, it means that the buyers
have already wasted tons of money.
If you want to learn the full three-step process of how I help people
buy businesses (it starts with education) then you should visit www.BusinessBuyerAdvantage.com.
Thanks and we’ll see you next time. If you found this video/article
useful please like it and share it. It helps move the video up on search ranks
so that other people like yourself that are looking for this kind of
information can find it easily.
Thanks guys, I’ll talk to you soon.
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