Over the last two weeks I’ve had two
different clients who were somewhat confused about how shares work in a
corporation. Both were small business
One owner was trying to pass the
family business on to their children.
They asked me how to ‘transfer their shares’ from the established
corporation to the new corporations of their children. Can one do this?
The other client was a pair of
entrepreneurs who wanted to bring on a third partner and have his investment go
into the company. They weren’t sure how
to accomplish this.
I taught them how they could achieve
their goals by splitting their existing shares and have the corporation issue
new shares to the new partner.
Not sure what I’m talking about? Learn how to use a corporation’s shares to
make your deals in this video: https://youtu.be/1EjKjSAd1F8
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Edward Island in January 2017. Seats are
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events here: http://davidbarnett.eventbrite.ca
Thanks and I’ll see you next time.
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